Join me online for this FUN class with THREE PROJECTS for fall!! ..
Price -$85.00
Class opens September 2020 for Supply list and videos
The project shown is 10 years old ! the ones we make are fantastic ! a sweet Box cart with Halloween Dolls inside !
we are making three projects in this FUN online class
1} a Fun soldered banner !
2} vintage masked doll soldered Glass cart !
3}spooky Halloween shadow box charms ! for a braceelt or Necklaces
You will need to know how to solder to take this class, so make sure and take the FREE revised soldering online class in Terri Brush Academy .. its free to join with 8 FUN free online courses !!
Price -$85.00
Class opens September 2020 for Supply list and videos
The project shown is 10 years old ! the ones we make are fantastic ! a sweet Box cart with Halloween Dolls inside !
we are making three projects in this FUN online class
1} a Fun soldered banner !
2} vintage masked doll soldered Glass cart !
3}spooky Halloween shadow box charms ! for a braceelt or Necklaces
You will need to know how to solder to take this class, so make sure and take the FREE revised soldering online class in Terri Brush Academy .. its free to join with 8 FUN free online courses !!