Jewelry Bootcamp 2025 week 2
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Jewelry Bootcamp 2025 

Week 2 

When. - August 10,11,12th 2025 
Where - Terri Brush Studio Chehalis WA 
Price -  $699.00 with a paymant plan 

Make a deposit to reserve your seat !
along with two payments due on dates below 
Sold out! 

January 15th 2025 

May 15th 2025
{A reminder email will go out to the email you used with paypal .
please know thats the only contact I have for you when you register }

August 10th - Sunday 6-9 pm appetizers 
August 11th Monday 9:30 - 7 pm incudes lunch/dinne
August 12th Tuesday 9:30- 4 pm includes lunch 

Jewelry bootcamp 2025 , immerce yourself in the three day journey of creating stunning soldered jewelry ! 
My Guest teacher is Diane cook from Texas will guide you throught the 
process along side Terri ,you dont need to have any prior jewelry soldering knowledge to join us ! 

Join Terri Brush and Diane cook today ! 

The workshop includes an evening soiree opening with starting the first projects , with two full days of instruction and design , and a fun eveing dinner alfresco . 
The price includes class instruction from both teachers, Lunch both days and an evening dinner and class kits for each project .
We will provide you with a small supply list of tools you will be required to bring .
workshop class projects will be shown two months prior to class . 

Price does NOT include 
airport transfers 
and some required tools for class.

Please know there is a non Cancelation Policy , you are reserving a seat in a limited space class. If you are unable to attend we can try to helo you sel your space. If it does not sell you will receive class kits and sawg. I class instruction is sent as this is a hands on live workshop. 
Making your deposit means you agree to these terms . 
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